Honing Optimism Preparation Encouragement:

Invest, Reinforce, & Re-entry 

Current correctional programming addresses the need for rehabilitative services with great opportunities in the area of transitioning and community reentry. Offenders face life changing repercussions, hurdles, and challenges  during their reentry due to their extreme lack of competitiveness in the labor market, perceived high risk of liability, and obvious disconnect from the ever-changing workplace; therefore, an enhanced emphasis needs to be placed on increasing the offender’s employability and positive assimilation into their community.  This can be achieved by placing increased attention on the measured strengths of their rehabilitation, positive behavior, and evaluated willingness to positively re-enter their community.

Based on the current correctional case management structure, there is a great opportunity to close the tremendous gap in the ongoing rehabilitation process and the positive re-introduction of offenders into their community. Specific correctional programs need to be implemented to proactively empower offenders to use their incarceration more constructively and wisely beyond the current perceived incentives and benefits. The objective of preparing for successful reentry into the community should be paramount.  A specific offender program with the objective of facilitating an offenders successful reentry back into the community and increasing their employability is needed.

We are always on the lookout for qualified candidates. If you know of someone who would be a good fit, feel free to refer them our way so that we can get approval from their correctional facility and start interviewing!

The Honing Optimism Preparation and Encouragement or H.O.P.E. Program helps to bridge the current gap. The H.O.P.E. Program is intended to be introduced to all offenders upon their initial entry into a facility. H.O.P.E. is based on a 36 month stair step system designed to increase the offenders probability of success after release and reduce the challenges that commonly contribute to recidivism. 

 This program is designed for offenders who have provided supportive evidence of their rehabilitation and strong desire to reenter their communities as viable contributors. The program addresses the known hurdles and challenges encountered during and following incarceration. Challenges and hurdles during incarceration such as: institutionalized thinking, situational coercion by their peers, and forced adaptation are acknowledged and addressed along with strategies and benefits of identifying and being solution oriented in such situations. The objective is to pave a path towards reentry from the first day of entry and promote positive behavior while encouraging and promoting positive social skills. The program primarily focuses on individuals being released within the window of an individuals traditional and maximum potential employability years. Eligible offenders are assisted in securing specific skills and resources essential for successful transition and re-entry. These essential skills and resources will foster development in the following areas:


H.O.P.E. During Incarceration

The objective of introducing H.O.P.E. at an offenders initial orientation is to seed and reinforce the benefits and incentives of:

  • Serving their sentence infraction free,
  • Full engaged participation in available  programs with purpose.
  • Setting goals beyond incarceration
  • Avoiding negative behavior and indoctrination into negative subcultures
  • Maintaining connections with community resources and current activities

H.O.P.E consist of daily, weekly, monthly, and semi-annual tasks, milestones, and requirements structured to condition the offender’s behavior towards creating habits and routines specifically crafted for the successful elimination of negative behaviors or habits that increase the probability of recidivism and positively create and reinforce behaviors and habits that increase the probability of successful transition into their gaining community.

H.O.P.E begins with the meticulous consideration and acceptance of offenders based on an application and interview process with the intent to reinforce the required behaviors expected of reformed offenders after incarceration.  Offenders will have to meet the following criteria to be eligible to participate:.

  • Be infraction free for 12 consecutive months prior to application
  • Have a projected release date within 36 months
  • Obtain or be in the late process of obtaining GED or high school diploma
  • Successfully have completed facility programs dealing with self improvement,
  • Successfully completed drug interdiction program,
  • Successfully completed a vocational skills program.
  • No violent infractions within 12 months
  • Resolve pending charges and potential extraditions.
  • Successfully support sound mental stability and decision making.
  • Medium or Minimum Custody level only or eligibility.

Participants are required to maintain a journal/workbook to track their progress as well as present their accomplishments to future employers and resource providers.  Successful completion of the entire program awards the participant.

  •  Certificate of successful completion.
  • Acknowledgement of positive behavior change.
  • Supportive evidence of consistent positive behavior change.
  • Documented verification of commitment to positive change.
  • Evidence of the characteristics of being a highly valuable employee.
  • Corroboration of being a low risk highly beneficially employee.
  • A form of authentication of rehabilitation, documentation of last 36 months of self development during incarceration.
  • Tangible evidence of positive efforts invested supporting a commendable track record ready for hire.

H.O.P.E. is an ongoing process requiring daily commitment with the ability to combat offender idleness and reject full assimilation into institutionalized ways of thinking.  H.O.P.E. keeps participants focused on self development with the objective of reseeding and directing their thoughts towards actions and behaviors that secure their future after release. The journal/workbook keeps the participant focused on positive tasks and reinforces positive behavior traits. H.O.P.E. requires an offenders to nurture their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being by actively and creatively focusing on:

  • Case Management involvement.
  • Require reading and other assignments.
  • Health and fitness
  • Group participation and discussions
  • Introduction to overall objectives of H.O.P.E.
  • Theories /Conspiracy/ Mistruths
  • Perception / Reality / Visions
  • Conditioning / Culture / Purpose / Will
  • Thoughts Beliefs Values
  • Motives / Actions / Results
  • Critical Thinking Skills (Respond/ React/ Reflexes)
  • …..and more

H.O.P.E. While on Probation and Parole

Community corrections based programs  also benefit from the H.O.P.E. program.  The program helps to increase the probability of participants’ success by strategically investing in offenders who have proven their commitment towards positive changes after release from incarceration with supervision as well as those under community correctional supervision in lieu of incarceration. The H.O.P.E. Program not only actively prepares offenders to transition back into their communities it also assist individuals at risk for becoming negatively involved in the justice system.   

Similar; however, not as controlled yet having its challenges, supervised probation and parole benefits from the H.O.P.E. Program by offering justice involved individuals a structured and evidence based solution to increasing the probability of reducing recidivism as well as increasing the probability of an offender’s individual contribution to society and their community. Our goal is to encourage and inspire offenders towards positive behavior change through facilitating the use of supportive services and available resources geared towards promoting personal growth and efficacy.  

Personal Enrollment

After release or while on Probation and Parole, offenders can enroll into the H.O.P.E. Program on their own.

Behavior Manager / PPO

After release from a Confinement in Response to Violation Behavior Change Facility

Correctional Case Manager

During incarceration, offenders can be referred to our program based on the approval of their correctional facility

You’re welcome to join our private facebook group. Click –> Project H.O.P.E Group

The H.O.P.E. Program is based on the cooperation of correctional facilities and all  correctional staff members, and  is not intended nor should be assumed to supercede, compete, or challenge, impede, or in anyway or form alter correctional methods, procedures, policies, mandates, and protocols.  The program is at the sole discretion of the approved authority of correctional management and supervision.

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