We Look Forward To Making Great Things Happen WORKING Together


We are committed towards facilitating the betterment and growth of others leading to instituting  programs and services designed to improve and empower the welfare ,wellbeing, and total wellness of our TGN community.  Our programs are divided into two major initiatives community and personal development. 

Community Involvement

Join our network and do your part (#dmp) towards building better tomorrows today at whatever level you feel you can do the most good.



Neighboring is making the commitment towards being a part of contributing and investing in the improvement of our TGN community as well as the betterment of you and your family.

Being a Good Neighbor is Being a Local Hero.

Community Edification and Networking (C.E.N.)

Community Edification and Networking (C.E.N.) facilitates the connecting and networking of communities with the intent of improving local neighborhoods through creating and maintaining meaningful relationships designed to improve neighborhood safety, value, and growth.  An active campaign empowering neighbors to become more involved in the betterment, safety, and positive growth of their immediate area. The mission of the C.E.N. is to place focus on and increase UNITY and the benefits of being part of a close knit all inclusive community. 

Neighborhood Development Activities 
  • Organized yard sales and clean up

  • Community gardening and landscaping 

  • Properly Value Enhancement projects 

  • Community Fitness and Wellness initiatives 

Personal Development

TGN is committed to assisting others in the area of self development by providing, supporting, and encouraging the following programs.

Self Transformation Edification & Progress Program (S.T.E.P.P.)

Self Transformation Edification and Progress Program (S.T.E.P.P.) set to assist others build their self esteem, efficacy, confidence, and value. S.T.E.P.P. is for individuals seeking self improvement through self paced assisted group facilitation. The mission of Self Transformation Edification and Progress Program (S.T.E.P.P.) is to empower individuals towards making positive life changes by assisting them to discover and build their potential and self efficacy while inspiring and facilitating goal setting execution and achievement.

S.T.E.P.P. Benefits & Activities
  • Group Activities

  • Resume Building

  • Assistance and resources securing employment and career advancement

  • Project H.O.P.E.

Career Development & Exploration

Our Career Development and Exploration program works in harmony with local employers and state services to assist local residents improve their skills. talents, and employability qualities in order to meet or exceed the needs of today’s employers. Young adults other interested in exploring different careers or changing careers will find our Career Development and Exploration Program beneficial. (CDEP). The mission of Career Development and Exploration Program (CDEP) is to introduce, encourage, and facilitate the exploitation of creating opportunities towards properly preparing and pursuing the many career paths available in our areas. 

CDEP Benefits & Activities
  • Guest speakers, 

  • Employment recruiters

  • Assistance and resources securing employment and career advancement

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